I am not undecided!!
I REALLY Want a Kindle.
I am going to get one.
I just have to be patient and save up for it.
Physical books are great but I am running out of room to store them. I don't have the heart to sell them, they are like new. I have abandoned the idea of ever having a dedicated reading room.
So the Kindle will be a solution.
It holds hundreds of books and more with a San disk. Books are purchased through Amazon and transfer via wireless Wispenet. I can bookmark and keep notes on the Kindle. It comes with Dictionary look up and free access to review and update Wikapedia without connecting to a computer. I can choose to receive the morning newspaper or a magazine, wireless, to the Kindle.
I can even subscribe to my favorite Blog site. ( 99 cents/month)
listen to Jazz music as I read. It plays Mp3 music files.
Its Perfect for me!!
I just wish it wasn't so ugly
and so
Freaking Expensive
Kindle is an amazing discovery of technology. It's superb innovation too. You are right in owning one... You may want to buy Kindle from Joseph's Amazon Store, an affiliated store of Amazon Associate program.
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